

Summary and Highlights of Goals Achieved

Summary and Highlights of Goals Achieved

    The school aims to continuously shape a systematic and targeted learning vision. Regarding “implementing innovative teaching and improving teaching quality,” 60% of the departments have engaged in the implementation of exploratory-learning microtopics for first-year students. For sophomores and juniors, cross-domain microprograms have been established. In accordance with the school’s positioning as a green international university, and in combination with the three major areas of the three domains associated with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators, the number of cross-domain microprograms has been increased to ten. With the implementation of cross-domain modules covering three colleges, the completion rate has been markedly increased to 40.75%. For seniors, integrated courses have been given greater depth. An evaluation criteria template has been established according to each department’s core competencies, and the posttest score of the learning outcome has significantly increased. Full-semester employment internship programs have been implemented, enabling students to connect with industries from an early stage, thus enhancing their adaptability and competitiveness in the workplace.

    Regarding establishing programming courses, a total of 25 programming courses integrate topics from 92% of the nonscience and nonengineering departments. Course design and assessment was conducted in combination with themed cross-domain learning and practice, with courses achieving over 90% in terms of individual information literacy and computational thinking. The school has promoted students’ participation in innovative entrepreneurship; in combination with National Taitung University Food Biotechnology Pilot Plant, the design of 20 commercial products has been realized through related research, and the successful product conversion rate increased by 42.9% from that of last year. Additionally, 275 students have been encouraged to participate in Off-campus competitions, and 151 students have received awards. Practice and internship have been incorporated into 24 courses, with 344 students participating in internships and 287 students obtaining professional licenses, representing a 55.98 % increase compared with last year. Innovative teaching models have been integrated into 26 courses; based on the orientation of each college’s development, problem-based learning and the bilateral gradual release of responsibility teaching method were adopted. Students’ problem-solving success rate in programming competitions has continued to improve, and their national ranking successfully advanced from the 77th place in 2018 to the 21st place in 2021. Teachers implementing innovative teaching models have submitted further teaching practice projects, 43 of which have been approved, accounting for 72.9% of the projects approved by the school.

    For “developing school features,” the school has achieved the following results: the signing of nine letters of intent to collaborate with countries targeted in Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy for incubating Mandarin teachers; promotion of teaching subjects regarding Austronesian and indigenous peoples’ society, culture, and traditional knowledge; compilation of three bilingual (Chinese and English) inventories of cultural relics as well as four special research documents on Austronesians; signing of memorandums of cooperation with 59 international sister schools, establishment of an online remote Mandarin teaching system, training of 68 teachers for online Chinese teaching, in which 4,836 students from New Southbound Policy-targeted countries have participated, forming an online transnational exchange platform; ; participation in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and continual advancement to the rankings of 74th place among 956 universities globally, 25th place in Asia, and 8th place nationally, demonstrating the school’s specific achievements in sustainable development implementation; linkage of the syllabus of continuing education provided by the school with the University Career and Competency Assessment Network and SDGs, covering a total of 1,041 courses; joint to host IGUIAO 2021 with multinational sister schools of the online presentation of cross-domain, green university-based learning outcomes, including 26 studies and projects relating to SDGs; continuously shaping of 17 studies green knowledge-based economic innovations and green university-themed initiatives.

    Regarding “improving the accessibility of higher education,” the preferential admission of economically and culturally disadvantaged students is in place. The enrollment rate has reached 19.79%. 282 students have received guidance and subsidies from the school. Through Career Personality Aptitude System testing, 573high school and university students have benefited from economic relief and cultivation of their talents, which serves to promote their employability. Furthermore, more than 570 school affairs information sheets have been published in the form of dynamic charts; six topics have been added for analysis, and the ratio of the number of practical applications of these topics to school affair improvement has increased to 31%.

Regarding “fulfilling university social responsibilities,” the school has enhanced collaboration with regional industries through its food biotechnology pilot processing plant to assist microenterprises in trial production and test marketing. Moreover, a window for one-stop integrated services has been established; a total of 42 participatory projects have been linked with five courses, and 15 products have been completed in collaboration with 33 companies, resulting in an annual output value of NT$ 2,000,000.
